Welcome to Jackson Memorial Elementary School! We are the Eagles, and each year we strive for new heights! Our faculty and staff are committed to providing your child with the very best opportunity to learn in a safe, caring, and friendly atmosphere. We recognize that children learn in different ways and at different rates. We are committed to finding the best methods for your child to learn and reach his or her highest potential!
As there is a direct relationship between parent involvement and student achievement, we would like to extend an invitation to all parents and guardians to get involved in your child's education. Communication with teachers, attending PTO meetings, school functions, and volunteering at school is encouraged by all at JMES. Our PTO is an excellent organization that provides much-needed materials, equipment, and services for our children. If you are interested in assisting with PTO activities or volunteering in any other capacity, please call (276)-699-0160 for more information.
Every year we challenge students to put forth their best effort to do the following:
- Set aside time to do homework each day
- Commit to reading to a family member or brother/sister daily
- Physical activity - play daily
- Get into a nighttime routine for a reasonable bedtime to ensure you have proper rest
- Minimize television and gaming devices - talk with your child
- SMILE and LAUGH as much as you possibly can!
There are some basic rules that we need to remember as well:
- Always treat each other with respect
- Take care of personal and school property
- Follow school and bus rules
- Always put forth your best effort
Children need encouragement and praise from school and at home. Please help us by talking with your child about school, encouraging and praising them often for their accomplishments. Children will feel good about themselves and want to achieve.
We look forward to seeing you at Jackson Memorial Elementary! We are available for help and support. If there are questions, don't hesitate to ask.
Have a great year!